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Mingle2 Online Dating Site


Mingle2 is a fully functional free dating site. Good for anyone new to the online dating scene. We took a closer look to bring you this in-depth Mingle2 review.

Mingle2 Review Results
  • Popularity - 64
  • Value - 76
  • Features - 68
  • Quality of Members - 65
  • Safety - 71
  • Customer Satisfaction - 62
  • The Mingle2 dating platform boasts impressively active community forums, with 6 million messages and counting. Once you join forum threads, spending time on Mingle2 gets as addictive, as scrolling through Reddit or Quora threads. Messaging is free on Mingle 2. You can either send people texts or connect with a virtual wink, nudge, or kiss.
  • Mingle2 is a 100% free online dating site for singles. Join in on the dating conversation with our free dating forum.
  • We know online dating can be frustrating, so we built our site with one goal in mind: Make online dating free, easy, and fun for everyone. Finding a date with Mingle2 has never been simpler. Our singles community is massive, and you're only a couple of clicks away from finding a date.

Final Word on Mingle2

Provided that you place Mingle2 in the proper context — that of a free online dating site — you should find it to be useful and functional. While not as robust as paid sites, it does offer an acceptable user experience. We would recommend Mingle2 to online dating newbies in order to get used to how the majority of other dating sites work. Using it as your primary dating site might leave a little to be desired, but remember — it's fully functional and free.

Mingle2 Online Dating Site

Welcome to the best free dating site on the web. We know online dating can be frustrating, so we built our site with one goal in mind: Make online dating free, easy, and fun for everyone. Finding a date with Mingle2 has never been simpler. Our singles community is massive, and you're only a couple of clicks away from finding a date. Mingle2 connecting people for relationship and pleasant communication. If you are single but want to find the perfect partner online, then visit this simple and reliable dating site that will become an excellent platform for your search. Mingle2.com is a free resource for finding people from other countries.

We rate Mingle2.com with an overall rating of FAIR/ACCEPTABLE


  • Genuinely free, inclusive of all communication features
  • iPhone and Android apps
  • Fast and easy registration process


  • Display ads
  • Lean profiles leading to a very broad set of matches
  • Large number of fake profiles

For people considering joining an online dating site for the first time, the number of choices out there can be overwhelming. With most requiring a paid membership to get any sort of decent functionality, newbies to online dating may feel hesitant to test the waters due to the cost involved.

This is why Mingle2.com is a refreshing find. A free online dating site with a feature-set similar to the majority of the more well known paid brands. Since its inception in 2006, the site has offered this sort of free access. On its homepage, it proclaims its intention to remain a free service permanently. With a track record of 11 years, it would be a safe bet to take them on their word.

For the benefit of those new to online dating who may want to try Mingle2 — as well as for those who may currently be members of a paid site and wish for a free alternative — we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the site. This is our Mingle2.com review.

— Mingle2 Registration —

Registering on Mingle2 is done directly from its homepage. It requires entering very basic information — email address, date of birth, your gender, the gender of the match that you are seeking and the country in which you are located. After that, all you do is click on the orange “Join Now – FREE” button.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an activation code in the email that you provided. Once you enter the activation code on the site, you are a registered member.

— Building a Mingle2 Profile —

Logging in for the first time after registering, you will be prompted to answer some rudimentary questions to build your online profile. This is not mandatory — the step can be skipped — but completing your profile does help to find a more compatible set of potential matches.

Unlike some paid dating sites that provide comprehensive and lengthy questionnaires as part of their profile building process, Mingle2’s process is condensed and simplified. The only questions presented involve your height, body type, ethnicity, marital status, whether you have or want children, religion, whether you drink or smoke, profession and your interests. You are also offered the opportunity to express what you are looking for on the site. This can be dating, friendship, chat, casual encounters or a relationship. You are free to skip any or all of the questions. You can also always come back to your profile section at any time to add, delete or modify your entries. A profile picture is suggested, but not required on Mingle2.

While the streamlined profile building process can be convenient and a time saver, it also results in sparse profiles. This, in our experience, often results in imprecise or overly broad matches.

— Mingle2 Features —

The features offered on Mingle2 include a search function, a “mutual match” module, email messaging, instant chat, digital winks and forums.

The search function on Mingle2 allows you to search for other members on the site based on criteria you select. The search parameters also include how wide a geographic radius you wish the search to cover. If you live in areas with a large population, we found that a radius of as small as 10 miles will produce over 100 match suggestions — sometimes much more. In less populated areas, you might have to amplify your radius to 25+ or 50+ miles to get similar results.

The “Mutual Match” feature presents to members suggested matches from the Mingle2 rudimentary algorithm. In our testing, we found that many of the suggested matches presented to us were unreliable. By this, we mean that many of the profiles belonged to members that lived too far away or who were no longer active on the site.

What impressed us about Mingle2 was that once you do find a member that you are interested in, you can communicate with them through any of the communication features immediately and for free. This, in our eyes, is the benchmark by which all dating sites claiming to be “free” should be measured. Usually, sites will offer only basic search functionality for free but will require some form of payment to use the communication functions. Mingle2 passes the “free” test with flying colors.

Messages can be sent to other members and they will receive a notification. If they choose, they may reply to you. You can also send invitations to start an instant chat provided that they are online. A more roundabout way to communicate with other members includes the sending of digital “winks.” These are digital icons that can be sent representing a wink, hug, nudge or kiss to express interest without revealing your identity.

The forum section of the site allows members to start and respond to message threads. With over 6 million posts to date, here you will find many subjects being discussed — from dating tips to somewhat risque topics related to sexual habits.

— Mingle2 User Experience —

The appearance of the site might be bothersome to some. Being a free site, Mingle2 monetizes by placing display ads throughout its pages. This not only gives it a cluttered appearance, but it also makes navigating search results cumbersome. This problem is exacerbated when the ads being served are designed to look like genuine profiles. During our test, we inadvertently clicked on some of these ads believing them to be profiles.

Another issue that we found to be bothersome, is the presence of a large number of fake profiles on the site. This should probably be expected considering that it is free and that the sign-up procedure is so lean.


In our opinion, considering that the site is genuinely free, we see those two points as being tolerable and consider them to be the price of admission.

For those who want a smoother user experience, Mingle2 does offer a premium version of the site. It costs $9.95 per month if you pay for three months in advance, $7.95 per month if you pay for six months, and $5.95 when you pay for the whole year upfront.

With the premium version, all display ads are removed. Your profile receives preferential placement in the search results of others, and you will be able to see which members mutually matched with you.

Mingle2 Online Dating Site

Mingle2 Online Dating Sites

In our opinion, the added functionality in the premium version does not merit its cost. We’d recommend sticking with the free version.

Here at Mingle2, we guarantee that you will have a positive experience with our site. Online dating can be a frustrating experience, so we’re here to fix that. We have built our site with a core set of goals that we think embody what online dating should be: free, easy and fun for everyone involved. Finding a date with Mingle2 has never been simpler. We’ve built a massive community of singles, one that is only a few clicks away.

Quality Matters

One of the most important aspects of our users is that they display a level of quality not found on other dating sites. First, their profiles must be verified in order to prevent hordes of bots on the site. Second, these people must display a level of success. Above average education, a high level of wealth or status is also highly desired so that we are more able to accurately match together those who would fit best together.

Accurate Profiles Mean Better Matches

While our profiles can be set up in a matter of minutes, we do recommend that time is taken to look through the variety of options that we have. This allows one to search for just the perfect match, whether they are looking for single Christians, Muslims, white men, black women, or any member of the LGBTQ+ community. Our intelligent match system takes all the elements you fill out in your profile including your relationship preferences, education, location, and personality profile into account. Help us help you.

Mingle2 Online Dating Site Login

We’re Here to Support You

Our customer service team is here to help you with whatever need you might have. We are here to answer any technical questions you might have about the matching system, profile creation or site feature. With our service being available on both mobile devices and the home PC, you can contact us at any time you feel like you might need some assistance.

Privacy and Security

Mingle2 Free Online Dating Website

We have created a professional dating site here at Mingle2. That means that all dating profiles are vetted to confirm authenticity, and we employ Profile Verification, SSL Encryption and Fraud Detection Systems to ensure that your data is safe when joining our dating agency. We will treat you data as though it were our own- with the utmost security possible.